The ten years are over

Once upon a time, when this girl was just 17, she’d outlined a plan of having her dreams achieved within the next ten years. The future ‘ten years’ were comprised of lucid but distant images forming within the confined of her head. A girl with an eagerness to make her life better and with sense, she’d focused her attention to continue her one track journey to a future that is still so unpredictable.

In her mind ran picturesque dreams of what she wanted her life to be. In her dreams, it was very easy to arrange everything according to plan without encountering complications, disputes, consequences of her every actions, troubles, and the antagonists – to whom she will be dealing with later on in her life.

Her pensive thoughts and her passion for life affected her disposition, her control to direct her life according to what she wanted and not to what her immediate kin dictated. Her personality, I may say, is both defined and authoritative – very classical which just made her more sturdy and determined.

One by one and slowly, the leaf of the ‘ten years’ were flipped open. The vivid dreams she had had were painted but on these pages the images were altered and lots of settings were added. The people she’d hope she’d be with were no where in sight. The happenings that she’d never dream of occurring come to pass. At some point, there were mishaps and her messing up of her life. It was never perfect. She took the wrong move. She trudged a wrong turn. She’d reacted to people in a wrong way, misjudged some instead of trusting them and trusted some when she should not have. The life that she intended to be differs from the one she’d drawn in her memory. But in totality, all of it was never frustrating. All of it comes down to a life’s lesson brought by experience in her years.

Sometimes, this girl has this yearning of coming back to that past to re-paint her dreams, alter some and restart again to efface all the unpleasant things that happened and to make right of all her mistakes. But no, this time she knows better. She is now aware of the truth that in reality, everything is far from perfect and each action results to a series of consequences. Consequences that may either be a major break through or a downfall. No matter how she would like to change the past, unpleasant things are always bound to happen. No matter how she wanted to have every thing in place, her decision, outlook in life and attitude will always affect the outcome. Not to mention that she also cherished all the memories of people she’d met unexpectedly and the lessons that came with her every wrong decision.

This post is dedicated for her 27th birthday. The age that she’d hoped all her dreams will be realized. Tomorrow will mark the end of the ‘ten year’ margin she’d set for herself to accomplish her goals. In some way she feels like celebrating because somehow her ten years had been fruitful. On the other hand, she is feeling a lump in her throat whenever a thought struck that the ten years had already ended.

... And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It is the life in your years that matters.


Lee said...

Hi, interesting thoughts.
Our life today is not a dress rehearsal, we only get to play one round.

So laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go what you can't change.
Play hard, forgive quickly, take chances, give everything and have no regrets.
Life's too short to be anything but happy.
Live your life with no excuses, love with no regrets.

You have a pleasant weekend, and keep a song in your heart, Lee.

Allison said...

This was beautifully written, Ness. Simply beautiful. Have an amazing weekend!

Ricademus said...

Happy Birthday!!!

I'm glad you don't want to go back and change anything now. No one is perfect. We are all making mistakes and learning from them. Your experiences have made you a special person. Plus, at 27 we are supposed to be still chasing our dreams. =)

Teena in Toronto said...

Happy blogoversary!

Weezer said...

Oh, Ness. You can't go back but you can alter those dreams and desires that you didn't accomplish. If you didn't make all the dreams and wishes come true, maybe it just wasn't time. Instead of making a deadline of years, make them life-time goals. Work in that direction and one at a time check them off as you accomplish them. You have so much going for you and still so many, many years to live. Experience life while you can and alter your experiences accordingly.
Do I understand that I missed your birthday? I hope it was a good one. Hugs, little friend.

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